First MixMyRide co-design workshop

Are you eager to contribute to mobility transition of the Lugano region? Are you keen on testing a digital technologies aimed at reducing traffic, energy consumption and CO2 emissions? Join the first

“MixMyRide co-design workshop”

Tuesday, June 7 2022, h. 18:00 – 20:00 (apero from 17:30)

Campus Est USI-SUPSI, Lugano Viganello

Particpation is free, though registration is compulsory, via

Places are limited: register soon!

Become tester

And artificial intelligence algorithms to match the mobility demand and offer. It allows planning and booking multimodal trips that combine walking and public transport routes with cycling routes and rides offered by other citizens (carpooling), thus creating an innovative “Public-Private-

People Partnership” for the co-production of a new mobility service, which offers multimodal, time-effective,

and flexible on-demand mobility options.

Promote surveys

And artificial intelligence algorithms to match the mobility demand and offer. It allows planning and booking multimodal trips that combine walking and public transport routes with cycling routes and rides offered by other citizens (carpooling), thus creating an innovative “Public-Private-

People Partnership” for the co-production of a new mobility service, which offers multimodal, time-effective,

and flexible on-demand mobility options.