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to know more?

Did you experience any issues
while using MixMyRide?


If you meet any type of difficulties during your use of MixMyRide, please share them with the research team via the  MixMyRide Issue notification form.

Your feedback helps us to better understand the way the MixMyRide app is used and how to improve the daily MixMyRide experience.

Thanks a lot!

Contact us

Are you interested in learning more about this project? Do you want to be part of the adventure and do you have questions about how to join the project participants using MixMyRide during the trials? Feel free to drop us a line and ask us some questions!

And of course you can also contact us for general questions on the project goals and organisation.




If you want to talk to a person, please call the  responsible person for each MixMyRide trial:

  • Lugano: Francesca Cellina, SUPSI – tel. +41 (0)58 666 6261
  • Geneva: Camille Vedel, CITEC – tel. +41(0)22 809 60 00
  • Winterthur-Zurich: Uroš Tomic, ZHAW – tel. +41 (0)58 934 78 58 


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