Second MixMyRide co-design workshop

On October, 21 the alpha version of MixMyRide app prototype was presented to and discussed with a group of mobility experts based in Canton Ticino and with a selected group of interested citizens. They helped us to identify open issues and bugs in the software development process, as well as promising ways to improve the overall performances and attractiveness of MixMyRide. Thank you to all of those who participated and provided the project with their ideas and comments! 

Become tester

And artificial intelligence algorithms to match the mobility demand and offer. It allows planning and booking multimodal trips that combine walking and public transport routes with cycling routes and rides offered by other citizens (carpooling), thus creating an innovative “Public-Private-

People Partnership” for the co-production of a new mobility service, which offers multimodal, time-effective,

and flexible on-demand mobility options.

Promote surveys

And artificial intelligence algorithms to match the mobility demand and offer. It allows planning and booking multimodal trips that combine walking and public transport routes with cycling routes and rides offered by other citizens (carpooling), thus creating an innovative “Public-Private-

People Partnership” for the co-production of a new mobility service, which offers multimodal, time-effective,

and flexible on-demand mobility options.