On May, 2nd was performed the first draw among “MixMyRide active users” and the first winners were contacted. Let’s discover what they did to win!
How to be a ‘MixMyRide active user’?
In exchange for the commitment to use the MixMyRide platform, the MixMyRide project rewards its “active users” with the following sets of prizes:
- the first 50 persons that in each region (Lugano, Geneva, Winterthur-Zurich), will have registered on the MixMyRide app, will have answered the first MixMyRide survey, and will have offered 3 carpooling rides, will receive a 20 CHF voucher;
- every two months, in each region random draws are organized. Each random draw offers a maximum of 10 prizes (vouchers) of the value of 50 CHF each. The number of prizes depends on the number of “active MixMyRide users” that are found in each region on the day set for the random draw;
- the final MixMyRide random draw is performed on February, 29 2024. It offers two prizes (vouchers) of the value of 250 CHF each.
The check on the number of “active MixMyRide users” is performed, for each region separately, on the day before the one scheduled for the random draw. The number of available prizes for each random draw and region is set according to the following rule described in the Terms and Conditions document.
First winners were contacted
Only the participants of the Lugano region met the conditions: as less than 50 MixMyRide active users were found so far on the MixMyRide app, only one prize was drawn. The lucky winner of the 50 CHF voucher was informed yesterday. The prize will be offered in LVGA, the digital token of the City of Lugano. Other 4 MixMyRide users got the welcome prize of 20 CHF voucher, again offered in LVGA, as they answered the first survey and also offered carpooling rides.
Stay tuned for the next draw
As a reminder, each region organizes its draws with a total of 4’000 CHF to be distributed over the year of trial. The next draw will be performed the 30th June 2023, keep offering carpooling and asking for rides and be ready to win!